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Prophecy 24 Part 1
Beware, The Ark Door And
Book Of The Gentiles Is Closing!

Spoken and Written under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
November 15, 1998

This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:

2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”

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Get in now, the Ark door and Book of the Gentiles is closing. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms where there is safety. For those that call ME Beloved and I call them MY beloved Bride, MY Children. Come believe once again in your BLESSED HOPE, Your ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD, SAVIOR and BRIDEGROOM. Believe in the BLESSED HOPE. I will rescue you from the wrath that is to come. For those that refuse the BLESSED HOPE, MY coming for MY beloved Bride, eloping with her in the midnight hour. You insult ME to say I will cause her to suffer the Wrath of Almighty God. She is MY beloved, why would I beat MY Bride up? I am not a wife beater.

You have already been tested and found worthy of being called MY Bride, or I would not be catching you away with ME. So Stop insulting ME and believe I am a rewarder to those that diligently seek after ME and look for MY coming and long for MY coming again. As in the Days of Noah, I warned Noah the rain would come. Though Noah knew not what a flood was he believed ME. I told Noah to build an Ark though the work was hard and mockery and persecution great. Though the work took many years to do, what I had Noah to accomplish because of his obedience, you are here today. The animals he saved, except for those you made extinct, have replenished the earth. I knew ahead who I created to have the boldness to speak forth messages, with MY RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY GHOST) power and anointing that convicts the hearts of those with spiritual ears to hear and eyes to see.

Noah did NOT doubt, neither should MY Prophets today. Yet so many do, even though I speak forth MY words of fire and use their mouths to speak and hands to write and yet they dare to doubt and wonder if they are hearing from Heaven. Noah did not doubt. Jeremiah did not doubt, Jonah did not doubt, Elijah did not doubt, Ezekiel did not doubt, Daniel did not doubt, then why do MY Prophets today doubt ME? I will back up the words I say. Listen not to the mockers and scoffers as in the day of Noah and Lot and Moses so it shall be again. There is coming a rain but it is the reign of MY Holy terror of the Great God “I AM’s” wrath and judgment.

There is coming a flood, but not only a flood of water, but a flood of the bowls of curses being poured out I will overflow this earth with a flood of MY wrath since the time of Adam and Eve’s sin against ME. As I had a Noah to warn of the flood, Moses to warn of the curses and Lot to warn that the fire of Heaven would fall, so too I will do it again, I am warning now through MY handmaiden. It would do you well to study every word I speak and write through her now. Always there is a remnant who I have that will listen and hear MY voice. Always there is a multitude who will scoff and mock just as surely as the heathen mocked Noah, Moses and Lot. Just as surely the destruction and wrath came as flood, curses, and fire for the Great God “I AM’s” wrath and judgment, so it will be again.

So you would do well to hear the words MY handmaiden Elijah [in Hebrew Eliyahu] speaks forth. They are not her words but the words from your Creator’s mouth. You begged for a message from ME. I will speak forth now. These words will anger MY enemies and cause MY Children and Bride to rejoice and have joy unspeakable and full of Glory. All of Hell tried to distract Elisheva Eliyahu from hearing MY words I am now speaking but only hindered and could not stop ME speaking and her hearing. These words make satan shudder, for multitudes YEA, I say millions will hear MY voice and run into MY Son YAHUSHUA’s saving arms of Salvation. Only through YAHUSHUA’s shed Blood will anyone be spared what is to come. I am going to pour forth MY RAGE! You who are hearing or reading this shall either be spared by MY coming again or you shall live to experience MY wrath!

What you do now for MY glory and what you have done for MY glory alone will cause MY Son to spare you of the horror of MY wrath and judgment to come. The door to MY Ark is closing; quickly get in while you can. In the time of Noah the heathen beat on the door of the Ark to come into safety and yet it was too late after the wrath started falling. The first drops of rain the heathen ignored as they ignore now, but open your eyes, the wrath has been falling around the world already but to a milder degree than what it will be. Come quickly to YAHUSHUA. Accept Him as your Lord, Savior and God. You know the way to escape, what are you waiting for? The Ark is as the Ark of MY Covenant. The Ark is MY promise of safety. Only MY Son YAHUSHUA is your Ark of safety.

I will only answer your prayers in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! You cannot pray in your own names, in your own boldness or strength. Dare not touch MY throne in your own names for there is no name to intercede for you but MY beloved Son YAHUSHUA. Dare not wear your robes of righteousness for I know who has MY SEAL placed on them. Those who truly are redeemed though the work of MY Son YAHUSHUA at Calvary. Come to ME in YAHUSHUA’s Name, through HIS shed Blood; Stand in HIS Robes of Righteousness. So when you do this I say, “Come boldly before the Great God “I AM,” your God YAHUVEH. If you try to come in any other name I will CAST YOU OUT! You will not be saved from the flood of MY wrath, the fire that will fall, the curses, the plagues in any other way but by accepting YAHUSHUA now as MESSIAH your Savior your God before it’s too late.

Buddha can’t save you, he couldn’t save himself. Allah, Mohammed, Ghandi, can’t save you; they couldn’t save themselves, ALL DIED! All are in Judgment for causing others to worship them. Sun Moon cannot save you; he cannot save himself of the Judgment that is to come. Maitreya cannot save you! There is but one name that can save you and it’s the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Whether you call him YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA does not matter just call upon his Name. You who call yourselves Jews listen close. You cannot enter into Heaven just by worshipping and believing in YAHUVEH’s Name, although that is MY Name, it is YAHUSHUA who is the only MESSIAH.

The price MY Son paid at Calvary was for your Salvation, both Jew and Gentile alike. YAHUSHUA was crucified and tortured and died and arose again for your sakes. He paid the ransom for your sins. Both Jew and Gentile hear ME; there is no other Savior but YAHUSHUA. He is your Savior, the only way of escape from MY wrath that is to come. MY Children who I created who are born Jewish hear ME. You wait for another Savior, yet you wait in vain. There is no other but MY Son YAHUSHUA. The one you have been taught to hate is the only Ark of safety. You cannot love ME and yet hate MY beloved Son. YAHUSHUA is the one I sent to earth to pay the ransom for your sins.

This is why Israel and Jerusalem knows no peace, every nation that refuses YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH WILL KNOW NO PEACE. HEAR ME AGAIN! KNOW YAHUSHUA AND YOU WILL KNOW PEACE! YAHUSHUA brings a peace that passes all understanding. YAHUSHUA is the Prince of Peace. How can you have peace and reject the only Prince of Peace. As in the days of Noah, the work was hard in building the ark. The time was long to build the ark and collect the animals. Just as it is hard for the prophets of old and prophets of today, it is not easy to speak forth MY Words! It takes boldness and you will offend more than bless. YAHUSHUA was offensive to many. So MY Prophets that speak not words that are for itching ears, but instead words that convict and speak forth MY secrets, warning to repent, yet also always offering hope and mercy.

The prophets and apostles’ job is neither easy nor popular. MY Prophets get frustrated trying to get people to listen knowing these words are not their words. They give their own finances to preach forth the prophetic messages as I always have a remnant that will hear MY voice and obey. I always have a remnant that will desire to hear what the prophets are speaking. Yet, how I grieve how few are willing to labor with MY Prophets by their sides, sharing their burdens. Does not MY Word say, “Believe a prophet and so shall ye prosper,” I now say unto you, “Reward a prophet and you shall receive the same rewards as they do in the Kingdom of Heaven and on earth.” When paper currency becomes worthless paper and has no value any longer, I will remember if you helped MY Prophets or let them go in need.

Remember the Widow of Zarephath, if you doubt this. Did I not already know who would be willing to share Elijah of Old’s burdens? Did I raise up a woman of wealth to sustain Elijah? Nay, I raised up someone that was in need such as he. They both were hungry were they not? They both had no physical wealth did they not and yet I chose the little Widow of Zarephath for I knew her heart. She was not selfish and though she was concerned, it was her and her son’s last meal and then she would die and her son. Yet she trusted the prophet and believed this prophet and so she did not go in lack anymore. She put the needs of the prophet before her own needs. Remember how I multiplied her cruz of oil and it did not run dry. Remember how I multiplied her meal barrel so it was not empty.

Remember how I asked her to use her faith to give the last of what she had. Remember this MY Children, she had to borrow pots and jars from neighbors and when they asked her what she was going to put in it she had to say her God was going to fill the empty vessels. As I did for her so I will do again. Only believe! Faith without works is dead. I will do this for those who believe I will provide for them also as I did the widow of Zarephath for those who bless MY Prophets. You will want ME to bless you when your paper money and cards are worthless. I will remember now whether you tithed and gave alms when I told you to share. Does not MY Word say, “Store up your treasure in Heaven where thieves cannot steal nor rust corrupt.” Store up your blessings the way you would store up your treasures. Where your heart is, what you put your trust in, is your God.

I tell you this; anyone that helped Noah was spared. But who labored with Noah? Only his family! So too it shall be again. Only MY true children will desire to help the prophets to speak forth and not muzzle the prophet or tie the oxen feet as they pull the plow. Pray for the prophets especially the handmaiden speaking this forth. Satan seeks to silence MY voice on this earth for the prophets always warn before I send MY wrath or before satan attacks. It is MY Prophets I share MY secrets with. Never do I send MY wrath and judgment until I send the prophets to speak and warn to REPENT! Satan especially hates the prophets. The office of the prophet is not easy. No one is a prophet unless they are familiar with suffering. They have suffered for the anointing to prophesy.

So now I say, “Bless MY Prophets and I will bless you. Protect MY Prophets and I will protect you. Labor with MY Prophets and great shall be your blessings especially when you’re in need. Offer to hide MY Prophets and I will hide you. Share with MY Prophets and I promise you will never starve or go homeless.” The time is here when it is dangerous to call oneself a prophet. It is getting more dangerous as YAHUSHUA approaches to come for HIS Bride. I shouldn’t have to tell you to what I have spoken, you should know this already. Shame on you for not doing what you know I have spoken to your Spirit to do. Many times I have said, “Help them,” and yet you have refused. How can you say you love ME when you don’t obey ME? Get into the Ark of MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Believe I am a God that rewards those that diligently seek after ME. If you believe that you will suffer the wrath that is about to flood this earth, then you shall suffer that wrath and judgment. If you believe I am a God that rewards those that diligently seek after ME, diligently listen for MY voice and do MY will and not your will, walk when I say walk, run when I say run, stand still when I say stand still, speak when I say speak, be silent when I say nothing or do nothing until you hear from Heaven. A soldier doesn’t just follow his own orders; he waits for the commander in chief to speak orders. So wait, though MY answer seems to tarry, it shall come forth. The war in the Heavenly rages on. The sound waves have been blocked thus far. How could MY Prophets speak like this handmaiden if the sound waves were not blocked, they would be gone. It’s for your sakes I have let the war in the Heavenly rage. The seals of the redeemed have been sealed as satan has marked who is his.

So too, I your Father YAHUVEH have marked who is MINE. The Godly shall become more Holy. The evil will become more unholy. Woe be unto the earth for it shudders and shakes. Not only does the sky convulse as YAHUSHUA approaches earth but the earth shakes in fear and quakes in fear for it knows the evil that has been done. The earthquakes are the earth quaking in fear and they shall intensify and storms become more fierce and the lava in the mountains will spew forth for the lava is heated by MY wrath! It boils hotly against the heathen of this earth who refuse MY commandment, who refuse YAHUSHUA’s gift at Calvary and who hate all that is Holy. The earth shall quake harder as the Son of God approaches. The sky shakes with the anger of satan and the war in the Heavenly. The sky labors as a woman giving birth. It will be as though the stars fall from the sky. The prince and power of the air shakes the sky, for satan knows.

“YAHUSHUA IS COMING FOR HIS BRIDE, YAHSUHUA IS COMING AGAIN!” Satan must do his evil quickly for he knows his time is very short now. He wants to take as many souls as he can to hell with him for he knows this is the only way he can hurt YAHUSHUA! For MY Son paid the price at Calvary so satan could not take you to hell with him. America, yes, there is coming war to your shores and land. But I have protected you thus far. I have waited for America to REPENT and yet this nation only grieves ME. Angers ME! The Political leaders show no shame or remorse and only become more reprobate. The people who vote for these shameful leaders show no remorse or shame.

They instead speak not for holiness but vote into office even more unholy heathens. America you have what you voted for. The few Godly and righteous I had in office have been put to open shame. Stripped naked and their jobs stolen all because they dared to speak against the false prophet of this land all because they stood up for morality and holiness. Woe be unto the people that had a choice to vote in the Godly and yet chose the heathen with spirits of the anti-christ instead. I spared MY People who were voted out of office that stood up for righteousness from being in the white house when all hell breaks loose in that place and MY wrath I openly show toward the reprobate politicians. The Harlot, remember Sodom and Gomorrah, it’s in the White House. I will bless those that voted against the evil in Washington D.C. and I will curse those that voted for the evil immorality with their votes.

I shall put America to open shame before the entire world. Your leaders will weep openly for what I am going to do. But not MY Children you will know what to do when the time comes. The reason you don’t know yet it is not time. I am never too early or too late, I your Lord God is always on time, you just think I am late. MY timing is prefect. You can’t go ahead of ME or behind ME but must stay right by MY side. All MY Children those who belong to YAHUSHUA long for HIS coming again around this world, hear ME, the voice of your Creator, the great God “I AM.” I will, for your sakes, send miracles like you have never seen thus far. For you see MY Son YAHUSHUA your MESSIAH approaches this earth, as this handmaiden Elisheva Eliyahu has told you before, I repeat once again.

It is true Gabriel has already blown his horn. The sound waves have been blocked by the war in the Heavenlies but Gabriel’s horn will be heard and the sound waves unblocked. Your bodies shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The dead in YAHUSHUA (Christ) shall rise first and you which remain will be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air. But you shall walk in your glorified bodies witnessing for ME, warning NOT to take the Mark of the Beast for 40 days. Then you shall be the greatest witness of MY Word. Yet for the ones not changed they will grieve for they will know they must go through the Tribulation.

Then you will come with ME to meet ME in the air and together we shall meet in the air. MY Bride is not appointed unto MY wrath. Satan shall be cast down to earth in great fury with his demons falling from the sky. Woe be unto the inhabitants of earth. MY BRIDE WILL REJOICE AT MY APPEARING! Those believers who have spoken and believed that YAHUSHUA will not rescue HIS BRIDE before the Great Tribulation will be surprised as YAHUSHUA comes when they least expect the Groom to come for HIS Bride! The ones that are determined they must go through the Great Tribulation will be asleep as MY Son YAHUSHUA comes and elopes with his Bride in the midnight hour, changing mortal bodies into immortal bodies.

Then these, which were sleeping and so sure they were right, will see they were wrong. They will weep and wail for they missed their way of escape of the wrath that is to come. They will have to wait for their glorified bodies. The heathen will rage and curse Almighty God and great hatred shall rise up against believers of YAHUSHUA! For after the 40 days of the Glorified Saints witnessing and showing what they missed great grief and great rage will arise. Pray now that you will be counted worthy to be called MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Bride. Pray that you will be counted worthy to escape the hour of this temptation to take the Mark of the Beast.

Call unto ME now in YAHUSHUA’s Name. I am a Heavenly Father that will not cast out those who listen to these words and receive them and obey them. For MY glory alone I have spoken to you, thus you can’t say YAHUVEH did not warn you. There is but one intercessor, one ARK of safety and it is the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! As Noah was above the waters of MY wrath so believe and you also will be above MY wrath watching from Heaven safe from Tribulation. The ones that insist on testing ME and believing I will not rescue MY Bride before the Tribulation, believing I will not count anyone worthy to escape the hour of temptation, there is hope for you also. Believe I will protect you as I did LOT and OBEY ME and you will also see Heaven.

I warn you in that time you will walk by faith and not by sight more than any other time in history. No one who is lukewarm in faith will survive MY wrath. If you find it hard now to have faith, how much harder you will find it to believe that I will rescue you and yet the majority of faith will die and they will willingly give their lives as a martyr, prefer this to continue living by faith alone. They will be beheaded for their beliefs and prefer death over suffering. Yet all those who refuse the Mark of the Beast in the Tribulation shall be saved.

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Spoken under anointing of RUACH ha KODESH, entrusted with this word, YAHUSHUA’s Child, Warrior, Bride Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu 11/15/98 12:00 PM Sunday
Go To Part 2 Of This Prophecy

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